My son the fanatic

Read this article from the New York Times: The Jihadist Next Door

It's a fascinating account of a young Syrian-American who grew up in small town Alabama, very assimilated, very much part of the popular crowd. He is now a major figure in an Al-Quaida subsidiary called 'Shabab' in Somalia. It felt to me ads if this true story picks up where 'My son the fanatic' left off.
It is a long article, so you need patience. Make sure that you at least study the interactive timeline that is part of the article!
Also, the comments New York Times' readers made about this article are very interesting to read! Read a few and write your own! (Please e-mail me a copy of your comment!)

Watch this comment on the movie 'My son the fanatic". Does it make you want to watch the movie? Why? Again, comment and send me a copy!

Qaisra Shahraz: A pair of jeans

Hello comrades!

I just wanted to remind you to read the second ending to the short story "A pair of jeans" !
It is very important to understand Miriam's character and the cultural context!

See you on Wednesday ;-)

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